Seven (7) Spare Loops, 125lb Leader Line
Seven (7) Spare Loops, 125lb Leader Line
It can’t be helped…snares will inevitably get damaged, the loops especially. I always recommend having a bunch of spare loops as backup. Replace your damaged loops to ensure your snare is working efficiently.
-Seven 14” 125lb leader line loops. I only recommend these loops for the more experienced crab snarers. This line rating provides a stronger and naturally thicker line. This causes loops to remain open and retain their shape easier, but higher chance of losing your crab if a tight line is not kept while reeling it in. Ends are bent into small loops and crimped at a 90 degree angle to ensure the snare loop can easily expand out.
-Each snare loop comes with an unused crimp so you can decide to either have the snare loop loosely or tightly attached to the snare.
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